Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Put yourself in their shoes.

You know each year when you get back to school (for those of you who are still in High School). Well, theres always a few new kids, standing around totally out of place, sticking out like a sore thumb? Yeah... That's me this year. I'm so mad I could never take the time to give the "new kid" a smile, or even just put in the effort in to say "Hey, I'm Montana, what's your name?" Now that I'm actually seeing High School through the eyes of a new kid, the tables have totally turned. I'm the kid who's craving acceptance, or friendliness from anyone! Never in my 16 years of life have I ever been the new kid, and to be brutally honest... IT SUCKS! Yeah so here's a little re-cap of my first day of being the new kid...

8:30am- Arrive at school, pick up my schedule, and receive my locker number. 
9:00am- Show up late for my English class (I got lost). The whole class stared at me, so I took a seat all alone at the front of the classroom.
10:01am- After taking about 5 wrong turns, and passing the same hallway multiple times. I arrive to my Chemistry class. After that, I had to scope out a seat, right smack in the middle of the classroom.
11:00am- 15 minutes before Chemistry ends.... I am spoken too by the girl sitting beside me! (YAYY!)
11:15am- Musical Theatre is now, I managed to get to class on time, AND the girl who befriended me in chem was in MT with me! (Thank the lord above)
12:23pm- Now we're bringing out the big guns of the school day... LUNCH. I sat with my only friend, who then introduced me to her friends... SCORE!
1:03pm- Another block of MT, not bad at all, since I had my new friends in it.
2:16pm- And, finally... The last class of the day, woodworking, although none of my new friends were in this class, a few boys struck up a friendly convo with me! :)
3:40pm- Annnndddd, finally! The end of the first day!

....Phew, glad that ones over! Although the friends I made aren't exactly the kind of people I could see myself hanging out with for the rest of my High school career. I really appreciate their kindness towards me, and I'm really thankful I didn't have to kick it "Mean Girls style" on my first day. I'm sure over time, I'll fall into a group I'd like to be in, but for now I'm going to make due, and be happy with the friends I made today! So, people remember... Just for me, to say "hi" to the new kid. Don't let them come home a crying wreck!

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