Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, I don't think i wrote yesterday... Did I? I can't really remember, considering I spent about  5 hours watching T.V, and my brain has officially turned into a giant gob of mush! Not to mention my stomach has expanded to about twice it's normal size! Yes, that's how I spent this lovely Friday night, stuffing my face with Smartpop, rice crackers, and topping it off with some soup and french bread. I've eaten enough carbs to last a life time in the past few hours. Even though I TRY to tell myself "it's okay, this is a treat for surviving your first week as the new kid, you deserve a pig out night!" I know, that I'm just being a lazy, disciplineless teenager. After all you know what they say! "Mind over matter makes Pooh unfatter" (Those of you who have watched "Pushing Daisies" will understand that quote). ANYWAY, enough of my self pity, lets get down to EVEN MORE about my life. Well... My life as the new kid.
BTW, I just discovered that if I push the Ctrl, and i buttons at the same time, it changes the font to italics, but anyways....
So, my second, and third days of school were ALOT better than the first. I have found a group of friends that I can see myself hanging out with until I graduate from this asylum they call high school. They're all pretty, have good interests, and somewhat popular from what I can tell! They sound like my kinda people! AND, to add on top of that, I think they've accepted me into their little clique! Which makes me feel happy. Next topic on todays agenda... BOYS! My previous school consisted of 356 kids all in grades 7-12. My new school has 600-700 kids all from 9-12, all I can say is that... Well... THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD LOOKING BOYS, IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! Gosh, I probably sound like some shallow, boy crazy, cares too much, stereotype of girl, but really... who isn't in some strange way, shape or form. Also, I have a horrid feeling I'm going to do very poorly in Chem 20... Don't repeat this, but my teacher really doesn't teach the way I need him to. I'm a step-by-step kinda person, not a this is the answer, figure out how you get it person. On the other hand, I'm in musical theatre! Which I totally love! I like singing, and acting, and lucky for me... Musical theatre incorporates both of those into one class! (the title kinda gives it away). I was put into the "soprano" section. For those of you who don't know anything about music, it's the people who sing the highest, and normally get the melody in a song! So, that's pretty sweet! Anywho, my main point for today is... To actually give things a try, even though you may not like them a first, just stick with it for a while. And I can promise... It WILL get better!

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